In terms of possible emergency and evacuation procedures (fire, earthquake etc) that may effect the entire school location, the staff of the Science Roadshow adhere to the policies of the school that is acting as our “host” for the duration of our stay. Teachers should contact the host school they will be visiting if they require specific information on those policies. However, as part of our setup procedure with our host schools, emergency evacuation procedures are made known to the Science Roadshow staff who will also assist guidance and instruction should such an emergency occur.
The Science Roadshow has a number of safety processes and procedures in place to help make the set up and running of the Science Roadshow as safe and accessible as possible.
In the day to day operations, the Science Roadshow programme uses (or keeps at hand) the following:
- Clear instructions on expected behaviour of exhibit use in the hall are given at the beginning of each hands-on session.
- RCDs (Residue Current Devices) to isolate and prevent electrical surges.
Electrical devices, including power cords, tested and certified by an independent and qualified professional. - Locking wheels on all exhibit trolleys to stabilise and prevent accidental movement of heavy equipment.
- Student helpers (referred to as Explainers) are trained in advance of your arrival, to safeguard and explain the proper use of particular exhibits, thereby reducing the risk of injury through misuse.
- During set up, exhibits have been checked to ensure functionality and safety and are monitored throughout the day by staff and Explainers (and users).
- Rubber mats and/or tape to cover extension power cables where necessary to prevent/reduce tripping.
- Fire extinguisher, first aid kit, and accident report book.
While the Science Roadshow makes every effort to ensure the safety of those who visit us, we take no responsibility for individuals acting (or purposely ignoring) the instructions we give and provide, either verbal or written. The Science Roadshow will work closely with visiting groups regarding their safety, however it is solely the responsibility of the teachers/adults bringing the students to the Science Roadshow to ensure their own wellbeing and safe passage to and from their school.
If you have a particular question pertaining to your visit, please contact the Science Roadshow Manager on 0274 332 788 for further information and assistance or email
* The Science Roadshow is not limited to any of the equipment and procedures outlined, and reserves the right to change and alter the equipment/procedures detailed as it deems necessary.